Healthy, white teeth are very important for a beautiful and impressive smile. However, structural disorders that occur in some cases, antibiotics taken in childhood or in the womb, the food and drinks consumed, the amount of fluoride in drinking water, old implants, crowns and fillings, and age cause discoloration of the teeth. Teeth whitening involves restoring the enamel that has discolored and yellowed due to various factors and lightening it by several shades, on a customized basis. Everything we eat and drink that contains dyes darkens the surface of our teeth over time.
Teeth that have darkened or turned yellow can be treated with the procedure of permanent teeth whitening (also known as bleaching) instead of using porcelain crowns. This procedure achieves whitening of up to 8-10 shades, depending on the condition of your teeth. Teeth whitening is a procedure in which a specially made gel is applied to the teeth and the whitening process is accelerated using a light source or laser.
Usually, there are two types of discoloration on the teeth. The first is intrinsic discoloration and the second is extrinsic discoloration. Intrinsic stains are stains that have penetrated the tooth. Such stains cannot be removed by brushing the teeth. In extrinsic discoloration, stains caused by staining agents such as cigarettes, cola and coffee have become attached to the outer surface of the tooth. For both types of discoloration, tooth whitening, i.e. bleaching the teeth, leads to great success.