Breast reduction is a surgical procedure required when the breasts are larger than normal due to pregnancy, obesity and breastfeeding. The size of breasts is not only an esthetic problem, but also a cause of serious health problems. This is because they cause back, neck and shoulder pain, limited physical activities, rashes under the breasts, inability to wear the desired clothes and grooves on the shoulders caused by bra straps.
Excess breast tissue, fat and skin that make the breasts too large are removed to eliminate the problems of people who are uncomfortable with such conditions. Then, the breasts are made to fit the patient’s body better. You can have breasts of different sizes. During breast reduction, different surgical techniques can be used to create symmetry between the breasts.
Before starting the breast reduction surgery, the patient’s size and breast weight are first calculated, and then the drawings of the new breasts are made accordingly. Then, the excess breast tissue and skin are removed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Breast reduction surgery takes about two to three hours. Although patients may experience mild pain when moving their arms during the first few postoperative days, this is temporary pain. The stitches are not necessary to be removed after the surgery, whereas they are absorbable and patients can return to work after this time.